import cv2 import numpy as np from pathlib import Path from deepface import DeepFace first_face_try = True def plot_label( # list of dicts with each dict containing a label, x1, y1, x2, y2 boxes: list = None, # opencv image full_frame: np.ndarray = None, # run_scale is the scale of the image that was used to run the model # So the coordinates will be scaled up to the view frame size run_scale: float = None, # view_scale is the scale of the image, in relation to the full frame # So the coordinates will be scaled appropriately when coming from run_frame view_scale: float = None, font: int = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, ): view_frame = cv2.resize(full_frame, (0, 0), fx=view_scale, fy=view_scale) for thing in boxes: cv2.rectangle( # Image view_frame, # Start point ( int(thing["x1"] * (run_scale / view_scale)), int(thing["y1"] * (run_scale / view_scale)), ), # End point ( int(thing["x2"] * (run_scale / view_scale)), int(thing["y2"] * (run_scale / view_scale)), ), # Color (0, 255, 0), # Thickness 2, ) cv2.putText( # Image view_frame, # Text thing["label"], # Origin ( int(thing["x1"] * (run_scale / view_scale)), int(thing["y1"] * (run_scale / view_scale)), ), # Font font, # Font Scale 1, # Color (0, 255, 0), # Thickness 1, ) return view_frame def recognize_face( path_to_directory: Path = Path("faces"), # opencv image run_frame: np.ndarray = None, ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Accepts a path to a directory of images of faces to be used as a refference In addition, accepts an opencv image to be used as the frame to be searched Returns a single dictonary as currently only 1 face can be detected in each frame dict contains the following keys: label, x1, y1, x2, y2 The directory should be structured as follows: faces/ name/ image1.jpg image2.jpg image3.jpg name2/ image1.jpg image2.jpg image3.jpg (not neccessarily jpgs, but you get the idea) Point is, `name` is the name of the person in the images in the directory `name` That name will be used as the label for the face in the frame ''' global first_face_try # If it's the first time the function is being run, remove representations_vgg_face.pkl, if it exists if first_face_try: try: Path("representations_vgg_face.pkl").unlink() print("Removing representations_vgg_face.pkl") except FileNotFoundError: pass first_face_try = False # face_dataframes is a vanilla list of dataframes try: face_dataframes = DeepFace.find(run_frame, db_path=str(path_to_directory), enforce_detection=True, silent=True) except ValueError as e: if str(e) == "Face could not be detected. Please confirm that the picture is a face photo or consider to set enforce_detection param to False.": return None # Iteate over the dataframes for df in face_dataframes: # The last row is the highest confidence # So we can just grab the path from there # iloc = Integer LOCation path_to_image = Path(df.iloc[-1]["identity"]) # Get the name of the parent directory label = # Return the coordinates of the box in xyxy format, rather than xywh # This is because YOLO uses xyxy, and that's how plot_label expects # Also, xyxy is just the top left and bottom right corners of the box coordinates = { "x1": df.iloc[-1]["source_x"], "y1": df.iloc[-1]["source_y"], "x2": df.iloc[-1]["source_x"] + df.iloc[-1]["source_w"], "y2": df.iloc[-1]["source_y"] + df.iloc[-1]["source_h"], } distance = df.iloc[-1]["VGG-Face_cosine"] # if 0.5 < distance < 0.7: # label = "Unknown" to_return = dict(label=label, **coordinates) print(f'Confindence: {distance}, filname: {}, to_return: {to_return}') return to_return ''' Example dataframe, for reference identity (path to image) | source_x | source_y | source_w | source_h | VGG-Face_cosine (pretty much the confidence \_('_')_/) '''