FROM python:3.10-bullseye # Install Dlib (for face_recognition) RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y --fix-missing \ build-essential \ cmake \ gfortran \ git \ wget \ curl \ graphicsmagick \ libgraphicsmagick1-dev \ libatlas-base-dev \ libavcodec-dev \ libavformat-dev \ libgtk2.0-dev \ libjpeg-dev \ liblapack-dev \ libswscale-dev \ pkg-config \ python3-dev \ python3-numpy \ software-properties-common \ zip RUN apt-get clean RUN rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/* ENV CFLAGS=-static # Install dos2unix # RUN apt-get install -y dos2unix # Upgrade pip RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip # Copy directory to container WORKDIR /app COPY . ./ # Run dos2unix on all files in /app # RUN dos2unix /app/* # Install from requirements.txt RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install wait-for-it so this can easily be used with docker-compose # Example: command: ["./", "bridge:8554", "--", "python", ""] RUN wget && chmod +x && mv /bin CMD ["python3", ""]